Google Web Fonts with Drupal

Google webfonts is a really nice and easy way to spice up your website, gone are the days of fiddling with never failsafe attempts with the likes of cufon, this is really nice and easy.

And a good thing like always there is a drupal module for it. Just download the @font-your-face module and configure, you can choose which fonts you can enable and choose which font to apply to what kind of html tags, you can choose a separate font for h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 and separate fonts for all text, but not the best of interface, but does the job.

The hardest thing was after installation trying to find where to do the settings, quick look at the documentation and it was found that just go to appearance and it adds a tab for font-your-face.

I really like this and have tried this on my drupal commerce demo site..

I have used the Open Sans 700italic (cyrillic) for headers and Amaranth 400italic (latin) for everything else...was easy breezy.


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