Should i buy a Macbook?

I tend to admire each apple product when it arrives, for their design and astethic sense. The ipad2 or macbook pro or the thinner macbook air - apple just seem to bring up one lovely product after another. The techie kid inside me wants to desperately own a macbook.

Every few days i have an itch to buy a macbook pro or a macbook air for my drupal/php development, I must add I started as a windows fan and used to scoff at apple afficionados, and felt apple owners are a bunch of kids bragging about their toys while apple goes to the bank laughing. Well not a lot has changed about how i feel about Apple as a marketing company.

For instance if you look at the current offerings for macbook pro, we have a core2duo, i5 & i7 processors. As far as core2duo goes, this is a 4 year old processor and at that it is selling at around £984 Core2Duo Macbook Pro on whereas I had bought a core2duo based windows laptop approximately 3 years ago at £500 pounds looks like this macbook is overcharged.

i5 & i7 macbooks are available but cost much more than windows counter parts, atleast by over 300-400 pounds, for example the sony viao laptop with i5 is costing around £619 but a similar spec Apple Macbook Pro is available for £887.90 while the apple store sells it for £999 this is a good 300 pounds for a premium to own a apple.

The general consensus is Apple build quaility and stuff that goes into make the macbooks are different and better quality products, well maybe not quite. since apple started using intel processors these have changed and there is not a lot of diference in how both type of laptops are made. they use the same processor, memory, hdd, usb etc albeit the graphics may be a tad better but you can get windows laptops with similar graphics options and the would still be atleast 200 pounds cheaper.

The other argument is most of the stuff you require to work with is already included in a mac. Well again you will have to pay for ms office if you want for mac, outlook for mac, photoshop if you work with graphics etc. so may be the argument doesnt hold true yet.

It is not like 'I like a ferrari but cannot afford it' but i am still struggling with my logical mind should i make a plunge and buy an overpriced good looking laptop? my mind keeps telling me no for now.

I know this is just not a windows laptop wrapped in tin foil with a picture of a fruit on the lid. There is the OS X factor and other small tid bits that make working on a Apple macbook worthwhile but i am not yet ready to pay a premium of 300 pounds on that yet.


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