
Showing posts from August, 2011

Drupal 5 and CKEditor

FCKEditor has had its hey days, worked well with drupal as well, but it was bloated and slow. Then came the CKEditor, shiny new and fast gui editor. There is a drupal 6 & 7 module for CKeditor, but the module for drupal 5 is missing. Understandaby, we dont want no one to use drupal 5 any more... however there are still some legacy systems using drupal 5, like the one i am currently working on. upgrading to drupal 6 is not straight forward and requires approvals and budgets from tons of people. The next obvious option is to write a custom quick fix to make drupal 5 work with ckeditor, ckeditor and drupal 5 works out of the box with wyiwyg module but unfortunately only works on drupal defined or cck defined content types, if the content type is defined programatically - it doesnt work with those textareas. Hence a need for a custom module like the ones available for drupal 5 & 6. There may be a work around i am thinking but havent yet got time to get around to trying....

Preparing your drupal development environment with Mac OS X Lion.

I just got a MacbookPro and the first thing i wanted to do was get a drupal developer environment on the machine, I ideally would have like to mirror what i had on my windows laptop - which was Apache/PHP/MySQL/Eclipse. I googled and found OSX Lion comes with Apache and PHP built in, I must add here that i didn't know there was a MAMP server similar to the WAMP server i had installed on my windows machine, but using the already installed Apache and PHP was just as easy. To enable Apache just do the following: 1. Go to System Preferences  2. Click sharing 3. Click Web Sharing service 4. Note the location of the Website Folder on my macbook pro it was Macintosh HD->Library->WebServer->Documents, i would think this is the same for you as well. We can change the document root from httpd.conf if required, i left it as is. A quick run to safari/firefox and go to http://localhost to make sure Apache is working - and it does tell you emphatically 'It Works!',...

Should i buy a Macbook?

I tend to admire each apple product when it arrives, for their design and astethic sense. The ipad2 or macbook pro or the thinner macbook air - apple just seem to bring up one lovely product after another. The techie kid inside me wants to desperately own a macbook. Every few days i have an itch to buy a macbook pro or a macbook air for my drupal/php development, I must add I started as a windows fan and used to scoff at apple afficionados, and felt apple owners are a bunch of kids bragging about their toys while apple goes to the bank laughing. Well not a lot has changed about how i feel about Apple as a marketing company. For instance if you look at the current offerings for macbook pro, we have a core2duo, i5 & i7 processors. As far as core2duo goes, this is a 4 year old processor and at that it is selling at around £984 Core2Duo Macbook Pro on whereas I had bought a core2duo based windows laptop approximately 3 years ago at £500 pounds looks like this macbook ...