Use Symfony2 to create template/skeleton code
Pre-requisite: A lamp environment, i will be using a vagrant lamp box (scotch-box) i created earlier. To understand Symfony2 there is nothing better than getting ones hands dirty. We will try to use doctrine to build models, create views using twig and maybe use a dash of frontend magic using backbone or something similar. For the test project I chose a sales bundle where we will make models for item, item type and sale. Using symfony2 command line to create a model. Because i have used vagrant scotch-box to provision my dev environment, i need to first make sure i do vagrant up to start the VM. then i do vagrant ssh this will take me to the ssh locate where you have symfony installed, in my case it is /var/www/public/sandbox and give the following command: php app/console generate:bundle pick a name any name....well not actually, we need to be following coding standards set out in the symfony guide to ensure we name our bundle like this Bundle, so in my case i didn'...