Using Wodby (drupal4docker) to create our local development environment.
Using Wodby to create a Drupal local development environment using docker. I have used the official Drupal docker image to create a local dev environment, it certainly does work but does not really tie in with how we currently use and develop on Drupal. I have checked Wodby drupal4docker and it seems to do what I expect and want the local dev environment. How to set this up Obviously there is a documentation on how to set this up even though the documentation is quite thorough I still struggled a bit so wanted to create a documentation for myself and anyone who happens to stumble on this link. My setup will consist of a local Drupal 8 code base with custom modules and themes, I save my code base in git including the Drupal code, this may not be really needed in the future as we are moving to using composer but for now I am sticking to keeping the Drupal codebase in my repository. I als...